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Bubble Ball Text - Unicode Character Map

This table shows the conversions (mapping) used to generate the Bubble Text, text in a circle, including the Unicode representation of certain characters:

Original Bubble Letters Conversion (Unicode)
a ⓐ (U+24D0)
b ⓑ (U+24D1)
c ⓒ (U+24D2)
d ⓓ (U+24D3)
e ⓔ (U+24D4)
f ⓕ (U+24D5)
g ⓖ (U+24D6)
h ⓗ (U+24D7)
i ⓘ (U+24D8)
j ⓙ (U+24D9)
k ⓚ (U+24DA)
l ⓛ (U+24DB)
m ⓜ (U+24DC)
n ⓝ (U+24DD)
o ⓞ (U+24DE)
p ⓟ (U+24DF)
q ⓠ (U+24E0)
r ⓡ (U+24E1)
s ⓢ (U+24E2)
t ⓣ (U+24E3)
u ⓤ (U+24E4)
v ⓥ (U+24E5)
w ⓦ (U+24E6)
x ⓧ (U+24E7)
y ⓨ (U+24E8)
z ⓩ (U+24E9)
A Ⓐ (U+24B6)
B Ⓑ (U+24B7)
C Ⓒ (U+24B8)
D Ⓓ (U+24B9)
E Ⓔ (U+24BA)
F Ⓕ (U+24BB)
G Ⓖ (U+24BC)
H Ⓗ (U+24BD)
I Ⓘ (U+24BE)
J Ⓙ (U+24BF)
K Ⓚ (U+24C0)
L Ⓛ (U+24C1)
M Ⓜ (U+24C2)
N Ⓝ (U+24C3)
O Ⓞ (U+24C4)
P Ⓟ (U+24C5)
Q Ⓠ (U+24C6)
R Ⓡ (U+24C7)
S Ⓢ (U+24C8)
T Ⓣ (U+24C9)
U Ⓤ (U+24CA)
V Ⓥ (U+24CB)
W Ⓦ (U+24CC)
X Ⓧ (U+24CD)
Y Ⓨ (U+24CE)
Z Ⓩ (U+24CF)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
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' '
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( (
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[ [
] ]
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} }
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> >
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